Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap UU Ormas Tahun 2017 Perspektif Ushul Fikh Pasal 59dan 60 UU Ormas Tahun 2017 tentang pelarangan Ormas


  • syamsul falah


Islamic Law, Community Organizations, Perppu.


The Indonesian Government, on July 10, 2017 has issued a Government Regulation in lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2017 concerning Amendments to Law Number 17 of 2013 concerning Community Organizations. The presidential decree has led to the occurrence of pros and cons for the issuance of the Perppu. Public noise is inevitable. The people, the nation, and national figures were divided into the pro and contra camps. Of course, each camp claimed that it was right. With this article writing intends to unravel the problem. This research uses descriptive qualitative method, in which the researcher intends to know something about what and how Islamic law responds to the issue. By describing research data and analyzed to obtain conclusions. With this research, the authors will describe the provisions of the Law on mass organizations in 2017 and their review according to Islamic law perspective ushul fiqh. The law on mass organizations in 2017 in terms of Islamic law perspective ushul fikh is a real effort to close all gaps and paths to obedience that will be caused by the dangers of radicalism and communism and its policies do not violate the provisions of benefits built by Islamic law.


