Tanggung Jawab Advokat dalam Membantu Penyelesaian Sengketa Perdata
legal aid institute, disputes.Abstract
Law is a rule of behavior in the form of norms (rules) both written and unwritten that can regulate and create order in society which is obeyed by every community based on the belief and power of the law. Significant changes have occurred in the administration of the state in legal aid, but it is difficult to extend the legal process in legal aid, this is because many legal aid policies go beyond that. This article examines the responsibilities of the Legal Aid Institute for the Bintang Marga (BIMA) Lampung in handling civil law cases. This article is based on a literature review and field study in Lampung and Central Java by finding information from business actors. The findings obtained are that arbitration is not considered because the banking sector has an internal dispute resolution mechanism and maintains good relations. Meanwhile, law enforcement has not influenced many people or groups, so they have difficulty accessing justice due to their inability to know the law and to obtain various kinds of legal assistance. Providing free legal aid is not a monopoly from organizations or individuals alone